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The Ultimate Concrete Calculator (Cubic Meters/Yards & Bags)

With this concrete calculator (in cubic meters/yards & bags), you can calculate the volume or number of bags of concrete needed for slabs, footings, walls, stairs, columns, and more. Hence, whether your project is big and requires ready mix concrete, or relatively small and requires concrete bags, this tool is all you need.


You can enter the size of the concrete bag in the “Size of pre-mixed bag” section. For example, some common bag sizes include 10, 20, and 25 kg (metric), or 40, 60, and 80 lb (imperial) …. You can also specify the density of your particular concrete, in kg/m3 or in lb/ft3, if you know it. Nevertheless, if you do not know the density, this calculator uses a predefined approximate value of 2320 kg/m3 or 145 pounds per cubic foot.

Slabs & Footings